Tag Archives: healthy-living

Week 21

16 Nov

Officially sporting a full on bump now!

Wow – I am more than halfway thru this pregnancy already!! That’s CRAZY! Here is an update as of Week 21:

How far along? 21 Weeks

Total Weight Gain? As of my 20 week appointment I have gained TEN pounds!  Y*I*K*E*S  The doctor assured me that is right within normal range – but still – that seems like so much!

How big is baby? He is the size of a pomegranate

Gender: It’s a BOY!

Maternity Clothes? Very much so!  The pants for sure – still wearing a mix of tops… and I have no maternity workout clothes or anything.

Morning Sickness? None – hooray!

Mood Swings? I wouldn’t describe it as mood swings – more so, easily irritable.

Buy anything for baby this week? No… I don’t think we’ve bought anything yet to be honest!  Last I heard the hubby was mid-way thru an Ebay auction for the baby monitor we want – but not sure if we won 🙂

Stretch Marks? None that I’ve noticed – but do people start seeing them NOW – during pregnancy??? Or do they show up after the fact?  I have just about used up my Oh Baby! Mambino Belly Butter…. and while I liked the scent – I hated how “hard” it was in the jar.  You literally had to dig it out and then it would get all up under my fingernails – yuck.  SO, I have ordered the Cocoa Butter belly butter, beautifying oil and body scrub from The Body Shop…. hopefully I”ll like this better.

Sleep? I sleep pretty good and fall asleep easily…. my back is hurting a little bit though.  Maybe I need more pillows?!

Best Moment This Week: Well…. this actually happened last week – but I would obviously have to say SEEING our baby boy at our anatomy scan – we got to see 3D too!!!  All limbs are accounted for and he has a brain, a pumping heart and stomach! yay!

Worst Moment This Week:  Destination PROCRASTINATION.  I waited until a few days ago to START a paper for my HR Mngmt class that we should have been working on all semester long.  SO, worst moment(s) were putting that bad boy together in the late hours of Sunday PM to submit on Monday!

Movement: Nope – nada!

Cravings: Nothing to report!  The “carbonation” craving has gone away too….

Labor Signs: None thankfully

Belly Button In or Out? It’s in, but it’s definitely flattening out… I must have a shallow belly button or something?

What I miss? Alcohol, sushi… and the “ease” of having a normal lunchmeat sandwich without heating it up.

What I am looking forward to? Our 3D ultrasound in a couple of weeks and my most FAVORITE holiday next week – Thanksgiving!  Food & Family – what else do you need?

Milestones: Hubby and I agreeing on a nursery theme! 🙂

Get Extreme with ChaLean Challenge Group – Day 3

14 Nov

Hola 🙂

I started participating in a new challenge group on Monday!  So far everyone participating is TOTALLY awesome and dedicated!  I decided I wanted to track my journey with videos throughout the 90 days 🙂

Here is my first one – Day 3.

Contact me if you’re interested in getting involved in something similar!! I have some other challenge groups starting SOON!

11/26 starts my 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge

12/3 starts BRAZIL BUTT LIFT 🙂

Happy Wednesday!!

Greenberry Shamrock goodness

31 Oct

Greenberry Shakeology…..its one of those things that I have only met a handful of people that prefer it…..But lately, I hear more and more people who are choosing it over chocolate. I tried Greenberry about a year ago and didn’t like it very much….

However, my parents DRILLED this phrase into my head when I was younger and was trying new food/flavors (mostly in relation to veggies…lol)…”Today may be the day that you like it”……and I cannot tell you how many times that was TRUE!

Anyways – because of that saying always ringing in my head, I had been wanting to try Greenberry again and perhaps try a different recipe to prepare it with.  So my friend told me about this “Shamrock Shake” that trainer Chalene Johnson put out…  Check it out:

I made it EXACTLY per the recipe and its DELICIOUS!  SO good!!  I have no clue how to describe the taste, but its just really good and no “wheatgrass” after taste like the first time I tried it.  SO, if you have some unused Greenberry Shakeology sitting in your cupboard, TRY this recipe!!!  Also, think about getting the Shakeology packets that come with 1/2 chocolate and 1/2 Greenberry!

Please contact me if you’re interested in learning more about Shakeology and/or if you would like to try a sample.

A success story!

5 Oct

Everyone loves to hear a good success story, right?  Well, this one comes from a friend named Amber who decided to make a change in her lifestyle and attributes her success to Shakeology and working out!

CHECK out these results!!!

Here is her testimonial:

“I lost 31 lbs and over 28 inches with Shakeology and Beachbody workout programs! One of the greatest challenges I faced was eating healthy and not giving into my cravings, but Shakeology fixed that. After a month of drinking Shakeology, I noticed my cravings were almost completely absent and I was making smarter food choices. Since starting Shakeology I no longer skip breakfast or feel sluggish and I have more energy to keep up with my kids – I feel better than I have in a very long time!” -Amber N, 32

The power of challenge groups is AWESOME!  Getting plugged into a support system is what really helped me PERSONALLY take my results and level of commitment to the next level 🙂

Contact me so that you can get plugged into my next challenge group!!  NOW is the time to start working on those goals 🙂  Someday is Today!

Coach Jen

865 Fit Club – Insanity Core Cardio & Balance

29 Sep


If you follow me on Facebook – you know I run a FREE Fitclub each week to promote health and fitness to the community.  Also, if we’re not friends on Facebook – send me a request!

This morning’s workout was Insanity Core Cardio & Balance.  This is actually the recovery week workout that you do in between month 1 and month 2.  Its still a tough workout, but not nearly as intense and plyometric as the usual Insanity workouts.

The weekends were always the time that I am most likely to slack off on my regular workout routine, so I really LOVE that I can get together with friends and new attendees Saturday morning to workout!  It keeps me motivated and then I can spend my Saturday my workout is out of the way!!

I never got to finish the full program when I was doing it before I got pregnant.  I finished month one, and then went on vacation, and then found out I was preggers, and I never moved on to month 2.  I will definitely be adding this to my post-baby fitness calendar next year 🙂

If you’d like more information on the Insanity program – check it out here:

Les Mills Combat – PREORDERS – October 1st

22 Sep

Les Mills Combat Pre-Order

Starting October 1st, 2012

Are you Ready?  Will you STAY with the FIGHT? A workout inspired by ancient warriors and perfected by masters.  The ultimate workout which is intense, fierce, and focused. Les Mills Combat pre-order begins on October 1st,2012 so that you can have this workout at home and in time for Christmas for you and your loved ones, family, and friends.  Les Mills Combat is created by Beachbody, the same company who produces P90X, Insanity, Turbofire, Body Beast, and many others.  Make sure to tell all of your friends about the Les Mills Pump Combat pre-orders so that NOBODY misses out.  Check out this 1 minute video clip and feel like a kid waiting for Christmas again.


2222 Les Mills Combat Pre Order  October 1st 2012


combat Les Mills Combat Pre Order  October 1st 2012


les mills combat workout Les Mills Combat Pre Order  October 1st 2012

Will you be able to

les mills combat fight Les Mills Combat Pre Order  October 1st 2012

By making me your free Beachbody coach you will be ready to make your Les Mills Combat Pre-Order on the 1st of October.  This will first be available exclusively through a Team Beachbody Coach like myself.  If you do not have a coach yet and are excited about being one of the first people ever to go through this program then feel free to contact me or make me your FREE COACH so that you are ready to go through one of the most amazing home fitness workout programs in the world.

les mills combat Les Mills Combat Pre Order  October 1st 2012

Click to make me your FREE coach and be sent the link for pre-orders on the morning of October 1st


Fit for the Holidays Challenge

12 Sep

Are you one of those people who over-indulges during the holidays?

or … How about one of those people who goes on a quick crash diet 2 weeks before a big family gathering so you can ‘try’ and look better in front of people you only see once a year?

I am OVER that!!  I am starting NOW in my ‘Fit for the Holidays’ challenge so that I develop and good healthy habits now, so that I arrive at the Thanksgiving & Christmas season already in great physical shape.  And trust me, after 90 days of hard work and dedication towards your goal body….. you’re not going to want to sabotage yourself by overdoing it (well not too much) during holiday meals and parties.

I have a few others who want to do this challenge too – so I will be starting another group in October!  Don’t wait until Christmas, or January 1st to take your health seriously!  Start NOW – you are worth the investment!  I promise you will thank yourself and wish you had started a year ago!

My program of choice for this 90 day challenge is P90x2 and of course drinking Shakeology daily 🙂  The challenge group is run in a private facebook group where all the members post daily for support, accountability and motivation.  I really thought about NOT doing my workout tonight…but when I logged in to FB and saw all the other participants had ocmpleted their workouts already, it gave me that extra push that I needed to press play!

Anyways – comment on this post or email and I’ll be happy to get you set up in my next group!!


Good Night!


Excuses.. AND I have a lime :)

6 Sep

Have you used this excuse?  I had a LONG day at work, followed by 3 hours of a powerpoint slide lecture presentation in school… I get home, I was hungry and tired and just ready to relax.  I felt like I had ZERO energy left to do ANYthing!


BUT – I do not let that excuse ‘win’.  I PUSHED thru last night and did my workout…. and you know what?!


Isn’t it crazy how working out actually BOOSTS your energy?  After that I felt rejuvenated.. I made dinner and enjoyed some TV time w/ the hubby 🙂

I know its easy to use the “I’m exhausted” card or the “its been a long/hard day” excuse…. but trust me, you will feel 10x better if you do something!  Even if you just do some jumping jacks… get your blood flowing and your HR up a little bit!

Update on the baby:

I am 11 weeks and 3 days today.  The baby is the size of LIME 🙂


It is growing intestines and vocal cords this week 🙂

I appreciate your prayers for a healthy pregnancy as I go thru this journey!  I have a doctor’s appointment next week for down’s syndrome screening.

Also – I mentioned in a previous post that I was experiencing yucky acne…and my doc said I’m basically SOL… WELL, I invested in Proactiv.  It’s ingredients ARE safe during pregnancy and does not contain salycylic acid… Even over all my YEARS of dealing with acne, I have never tried Proactiv, so I am definitely interested to see if I notice any improvement.  Stay tuned!