Tag Archives: Pregnancy

Week 21

16 Nov

Officially sporting a full on bump now!

Wow – I am more than halfway thru this pregnancy already!! That’s CRAZY! Here is an update as of Week 21:

How far along? 21 Weeks

Total Weight Gain? As of my 20 week appointment I have gained TEN pounds!  Y*I*K*E*S  The doctor assured me that is right within normal range – but still – that seems like so much!

How big is baby? He is the size of a pomegranate

Gender: It’s a BOY!

Maternity Clothes? Very much so!  The pants for sure – still wearing a mix of tops… and I have no maternity workout clothes or anything.

Morning Sickness? None – hooray!

Mood Swings? I wouldn’t describe it as mood swings – more so, easily irritable.

Buy anything for baby this week? No… I don’t think we’ve bought anything yet to be honest!  Last I heard the hubby was mid-way thru an Ebay auction for the baby monitor we want – but not sure if we won 🙂

Stretch Marks? None that I’ve noticed – but do people start seeing them NOW – during pregnancy??? Or do they show up after the fact?  I have just about used up my Oh Baby! Mambino Belly Butter…. and while I liked the scent – I hated how “hard” it was in the jar.  You literally had to dig it out and then it would get all up under my fingernails – yuck.  SO, I have ordered the Cocoa Butter belly butter, beautifying oil and body scrub from The Body Shop…. hopefully I”ll like this better.

Sleep? I sleep pretty good and fall asleep easily…. my back is hurting a little bit though.  Maybe I need more pillows?!

Best Moment This Week: Well…. this actually happened last week – but I would obviously have to say SEEING our baby boy at our anatomy scan – we got to see 3D too!!!  All limbs are accounted for and he has a brain, a pumping heart and stomach! yay!

Worst Moment This Week:  Destination PROCRASTINATION.  I waited until a few days ago to START a paper for my HR Mngmt class that we should have been working on all semester long.  SO, worst moment(s) were putting that bad boy together in the late hours of Sunday PM to submit on Monday!

Movement: Nope – nada!

Cravings: Nothing to report!  The “carbonation” craving has gone away too….

Labor Signs: None thankfully

Belly Button In or Out? It’s in, but it’s definitely flattening out… I must have a shallow belly button or something?

What I miss? Alcohol, sushi… and the “ease” of having a normal lunchmeat sandwich without heating it up.

What I am looking forward to? Our 3D ultrasound in a couple of weeks and my most FAVORITE holiday next week – Thanksgiving!  Food & Family – what else do you need?

Milestones: Hubby and I agreeing on a nursery theme! 🙂


2 Nov

One of the ‘symptoms’ I am experiencing with pregnancy is weird dreams.  I have always been able to remember my dreams – but I feel like since being pregnant – I experience more vivid dreams…


I always remember them precisely when I wake up, and then little by little they fade away.  I am also noticing that my dreams are incorporating a lot of people/friends fro the past, such as middle school/high school friends.  I keep on thinking that I need to write them down in the morning while its fresh in my mind…

Last night I had a dream about a promotion being offered to fly down to Florida.  In my dream it was something that I had won. The “prize” was getting the flight for $300.  I guess in the back of my mind I have been wanting to plan a trip to South Florida for a while, so I take it that my dream was my subconscious telling me its time!  So the crazy part is that my Husband (without me saying ANYTHING) took the initiative to search flights, etc. today and guess how much it is for both of us to fly down?!  YES, THREE hundred dollars!!  Is that crazy or what?!?!

Well, from now on, I am going to try to document my dreams first thing in the AM when I have a good one!  Maybe I can even do voice text to myself just so that it jogs my memory later on…

Do you remember having any weird dreams during pregnancy?  Or do you regularly have vivid dreams?  Are you ever able to correlate them with something going on in your real life?

Week 18

24 Oct

How far along? 18 weeks

How big is baby? the size of a sweet potato 🙂  5.6 inches 6.7 oz.

Total weight gain/loss: 5ish lbs.

Maternity clothes? Yes!  I have worn my preggo dark denim jeans for the past 2 days in a row.

Sleep: Sleeping GREAT!  My hubby bought me this awesome pillow…looks like this:





I know it looks really silly – but I swear its SO comfy!!  We call it my “cocoon” 🙂

Best moment this week: That surprised look on people’s faces when I tell them I’m 18 weeks along.  In my mind I feel like I”m getting HUGE – but it make me feel not so large when people seem ‘surprised’ that I’m pregnant at all.  Okay ‘huge’ may be an exaggeration, but I am def. growwwwwwwing!

Movement:  I still don’t feel anything 😦  I hear it feels like a “butterfly”…WELL, what is that supposed to feel like?  I have not felt anything yet that did not seem like digestion.  Not subtle ‘flutters’ or anything.

Food cravings: I kind of crave the bite or burn from carbonated beverages.  I don’t drink soda really – so this is odd for me.  I have been drinking sparkling flavored waters and some ginger ale too.  Other than that, no cravings really.

Food Aversions: none

Gender: We find out SOON!!  11/9 is our anatomy scan.

Labor Signs: None

Pregnancy Symptoms:  Acne  – and some moodiness.

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: clear skin…sushi…and my Express wardrobe!

What I am looking forward to: Picking out a nursery theme

Upcoming appointments/events: Anatomy scan 11/9, 3D Ultrasound later in November, Dermatologist (still deciding if I’ll go) 10/25 and regular physical was supposed to be this morning, but I missed it.

Weekly Wisdom:  Hormones are for real!

Milestones: I think I can officially say I have a bump now.  Last week had significant growth spurts in the belly…and it def. has more of a bump look than a overweight ‘pouch’ look.

Do you have any gender predictor ‘tales’ ??  I did an online Chinese lunar calendar thingy today and it says GIRL.  My sister and sister in law are predicting BOY.  Hubby says girl because he seems to think I’m crabby (although he used a different word) and that its caused from extra girl hormones in my body…. Someone posted a babycenter article the other day about finding out gender at WEek 6!!  Something to do with WHERE the placenta is attached – right or left side.  Not sure where I fall in that theory as I thought it was confusing….We’ll know for sure soon though!

Week 15

5 Oct

Week 15 

How far along? 15 weeks and 2 days

How big is baby? According to thebump.com and my phone app – the baby is the size of a Naval Orange.

(side note:  I have had an orange in the fridge at work for a couple days and ever since I read the size/fruit comparison, I feel weird to eat the orange as it represents my baby!!! LOL)

Total weight gain/loss: I weighed 130.2 on Wednesday.  However, I was wearing heavy wedge sandals and the Nurse refused to let me take them off!  SO I think my total weight gain is 4 lbs. at this point (Yes, I’m deducting a lb. for the shoes!)

Maternity clothes? a mix…I’m wearing dresses (regular, non-maternity)  more now so that my “pouch” is not as noticeable.  I have been wearing a pair of black maternity pants w/ the “secret fit belly” thing and while they are a little too big right now, they are super comfy!

Sleep: I sleep fine…Hubby “claims” that I snore….hmph.  Also, I keep waking up late for work.  I hear my alarm and turn it off instead of snooze, and then my body wakes up at 7 AM on the nose everyday.  7 is WAY too late as I”m supposed to leave the house by 7:15/20.

Best moment this week: When my proactive shipment came!  My face is still totally out of control and I’m freaking out about it.  I made a dermatologist appt, but its not until the end of October.

Movement: Still waiting!

Food cravings: Nothing in particular.  I can say that I am NOT a soda drink what so ever – never have been.  But I keep getting so THIRSTY that I feel the carbonation of soda will quench my thirst…plain H20 is just not doing the trick…. but since I don’t care for the taste of soda – I bought some of those flavored sparkling waters instead… Hopefully that will help.

Food Aversions: None really.

Gender: Whats YOUR prediction?

Labor Signs: NONE!! Way too early for that!

Pregnancy Symptoms: Have I mentioned the acne?

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: still sushi and wine 🙂

My favorite roll at Nama – Soy Joy










What I am looking forward to: Our anatomy scan and our first 3D/4D appt (Week 20)

Upcoming appointments/events: Week 16 Checkup on 10/11.

Weekly Wisdom: I have none – I’m new here!!  Please feel free to comment below a nugget of YOUR wisdom though!

Milestones: Had the first person at work tell me that I “look pregnant”….”cute, but pregnant”.  I don’t know how I feel about that…lol

Bump Picture: coming soon. 🙂  Hopefully the bump takes a little more shape soon as right now I still just look like I gained a few lbs.!

Dear Pregnancy Boobs:

27 Sep

Hello!  I’m glad you decided to show up!  I just wanted to let you know that you are MORE THAN WELCOME to stay with me even after your jobs are done in the next year or so.  Don’t run away and head south once the nursing is over!


Your New Home