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10 Dec



I loved reading everyone’s 30 days of Thanksgiving posts during the month of November.  It was nice to hear some of thing things that people are thankful that are not the usual things.  Why do we have to wait until November though?  Don’t you think we should express our Thanksgiving on a more regular basis?  It seems like it would UP the positivity factor in life and possibly help to keep out some of the negative stuff.

SO – I’ll start!

I am thankful today for:

MONDAYS!!  Okay – not many people like Mondays (usually I”m one of them) – but today I choose to be thankful for Monday because its a new week – new opportunities to SHINE at work – fresh start to my workout schedule – and…. um, I”m sure there are other good things about it that will come to me later 🙂

HEALTH – I have always been a relatively healthy person.  I don’t get sick often.  I take good care of myself (thank for teaching me to do that Mom & Dad!).  However, until being pregnant, I never fully REALIZED how important it is!  Words truly cannot express how grateful I am that I have had such an “easy” and healthy pregnancy so far!  I find that I am in the minority in this aspect.


What are YOU thankful for today?  Comment below but also SHARE it out loud!


New Coach Training Group!

7 Dec

New Coach Training Group!

I can honestly say that choosing to become a Beachbody Coach has CHANGED my life. Not only am I in the best shape (even during pregnancy) but my priorities and perspectives in life have completely changed… for the BETTER that is! My biggest dream would be to share it with YOU and help YOU get to a place in your life where you will be truly happy. What is happy? We all have different definitions and views but for me, it involves a long term commitment to my family and FREEDOM— freedom from the 9-5, freedom to come and go as I please, freedom to help others when they need it most, freedom to be significant in my family’s life, whenever they need it! Are YOU working towards your happiness? I know the unknown is “scary”, I was there… but what’s life without risks? You want something, you have to take charge and act on it. Trust me!

Week 21

16 Nov

Officially sporting a full on bump now!

Wow – I am more than halfway thru this pregnancy already!! That’s CRAZY! Here is an update as of Week 21:

How far along? 21 Weeks

Total Weight Gain? As of my 20 week appointment I have gained TEN pounds!  Y*I*K*E*S  The doctor assured me that is right within normal range – but still – that seems like so much!

How big is baby? He is the size of a pomegranate

Gender: It’s a BOY!

Maternity Clothes? Very much so!  The pants for sure – still wearing a mix of tops… and I have no maternity workout clothes or anything.

Morning Sickness? None – hooray!

Mood Swings? I wouldn’t describe it as mood swings – more so, easily irritable.

Buy anything for baby this week? No… I don’t think we’ve bought anything yet to be honest!  Last I heard the hubby was mid-way thru an Ebay auction for the baby monitor we want – but not sure if we won 🙂

Stretch Marks? None that I’ve noticed – but do people start seeing them NOW – during pregnancy??? Or do they show up after the fact?  I have just about used up my Oh Baby! Mambino Belly Butter…. and while I liked the scent – I hated how “hard” it was in the jar.  You literally had to dig it out and then it would get all up under my fingernails – yuck.  SO, I have ordered the Cocoa Butter belly butter, beautifying oil and body scrub from The Body Shop…. hopefully I”ll like this better.

Sleep? I sleep pretty good and fall asleep easily…. my back is hurting a little bit though.  Maybe I need more pillows?!

Best Moment This Week: Well…. this actually happened last week – but I would obviously have to say SEEING our baby boy at our anatomy scan – we got to see 3D too!!!  All limbs are accounted for and he has a brain, a pumping heart and stomach! yay!

Worst Moment This Week:  Destination PROCRASTINATION.  I waited until a few days ago to START a paper for my HR Mngmt class that we should have been working on all semester long.  SO, worst moment(s) were putting that bad boy together in the late hours of Sunday PM to submit on Monday!

Movement: Nope – nada!

Cravings: Nothing to report!  The “carbonation” craving has gone away too….

Labor Signs: None thankfully

Belly Button In or Out? It’s in, but it’s definitely flattening out… I must have a shallow belly button or something?

What I miss? Alcohol, sushi… and the “ease” of having a normal lunchmeat sandwich without heating it up.

What I am looking forward to? Our 3D ultrasound in a couple of weeks and my most FAVORITE holiday next week – Thanksgiving!  Food & Family – what else do you need?

Milestones: Hubby and I agreeing on a nursery theme! 🙂

Get Extreme with ChaLean Challenge Group – Day 3

14 Nov

Hola 🙂

I started participating in a new challenge group on Monday!  So far everyone participating is TOTALLY awesome and dedicated!  I decided I wanted to track my journey with videos throughout the 90 days 🙂

Here is my first one – Day 3.

Contact me if you’re interested in getting involved in something similar!! I have some other challenge groups starting SOON!

11/26 starts my 30 Day Clean Eating Challenge

12/3 starts BRAZIL BUTT LIFT 🙂

Happy Wednesday!!


2 Nov

One of the ‘symptoms’ I am experiencing with pregnancy is weird dreams.  I have always been able to remember my dreams – but I feel like since being pregnant – I experience more vivid dreams…


I always remember them precisely when I wake up, and then little by little they fade away.  I am also noticing that my dreams are incorporating a lot of people/friends fro the past, such as middle school/high school friends.  I keep on thinking that I need to write them down in the morning while its fresh in my mind…

Last night I had a dream about a promotion being offered to fly down to Florida.  In my dream it was something that I had won. The “prize” was getting the flight for $300.  I guess in the back of my mind I have been wanting to plan a trip to South Florida for a while, so I take it that my dream was my subconscious telling me its time!  So the crazy part is that my Husband (without me saying ANYTHING) took the initiative to search flights, etc. today and guess how much it is for both of us to fly down?!  YES, THREE hundred dollars!!  Is that crazy or what?!?!

Well, from now on, I am going to try to document my dreams first thing in the AM when I have a good one!  Maybe I can even do voice text to myself just so that it jogs my memory later on…

Do you remember having any weird dreams during pregnancy?  Or do you regularly have vivid dreams?  Are you ever able to correlate them with something going on in your real life?

Week 18

24 Oct

How far along? 18 weeks

How big is baby? the size of a sweet potato 🙂  5.6 inches 6.7 oz.

Total weight gain/loss: 5ish lbs.

Maternity clothes? Yes!  I have worn my preggo dark denim jeans for the past 2 days in a row.

Sleep: Sleeping GREAT!  My hubby bought me this awesome pillow…looks like this:





I know it looks really silly – but I swear its SO comfy!!  We call it my “cocoon” 🙂

Best moment this week: That surprised look on people’s faces when I tell them I’m 18 weeks along.  In my mind I feel like I”m getting HUGE – but it make me feel not so large when people seem ‘surprised’ that I’m pregnant at all.  Okay ‘huge’ may be an exaggeration, but I am def. growwwwwwwing!

Movement:  I still don’t feel anything 😦  I hear it feels like a “butterfly”…WELL, what is that supposed to feel like?  I have not felt anything yet that did not seem like digestion.  Not subtle ‘flutters’ or anything.

Food cravings: I kind of crave the bite or burn from carbonated beverages.  I don’t drink soda really – so this is odd for me.  I have been drinking sparkling flavored waters and some ginger ale too.  Other than that, no cravings really.

Food Aversions: none

Gender: We find out SOON!!  11/9 is our anatomy scan.

Labor Signs: None

Pregnancy Symptoms:  Acne  – and some moodiness.

Belly Button in or out? In

What I miss: clear skin…sushi…and my Express wardrobe!

What I am looking forward to: Picking out a nursery theme

Upcoming appointments/events: Anatomy scan 11/9, 3D Ultrasound later in November, Dermatologist (still deciding if I’ll go) 10/25 and regular physical was supposed to be this morning, but I missed it.

Weekly Wisdom:  Hormones are for real!

Milestones: I think I can officially say I have a bump now.  Last week had significant growth spurts in the belly…and it def. has more of a bump look than a overweight ‘pouch’ look.

Do you have any gender predictor ‘tales’ ??  I did an online Chinese lunar calendar thingy today and it says GIRL.  My sister and sister in law are predicting BOY.  Hubby says girl because he seems to think I’m crabby (although he used a different word) and that its caused from extra girl hormones in my body…. Someone posted a babycenter article the other day about finding out gender at WEek 6!!  Something to do with WHERE the placenta is attached – right or left side.  Not sure where I fall in that theory as I thought it was confusing….We’ll know for sure soon though!

A success story!

5 Oct

Everyone loves to hear a good success story, right?  Well, this one comes from a friend named Amber who decided to make a change in her lifestyle and attributes her success to Shakeology and working out!

CHECK out these results!!!

Here is her testimonial:

“I lost 31 lbs and over 28 inches with Shakeology and Beachbody workout programs! One of the greatest challenges I faced was eating healthy and not giving into my cravings, but Shakeology fixed that. After a month of drinking Shakeology, I noticed my cravings were almost completely absent and I was making smarter food choices. Since starting Shakeology I no longer skip breakfast or feel sluggish and I have more energy to keep up with my kids – I feel better than I have in a very long time!” -Amber N, 32

The power of challenge groups is AWESOME!  Getting plugged into a support system is what really helped me PERSONALLY take my results and level of commitment to the next level 🙂

Contact me so that you can get plugged into my next challenge group!!  NOW is the time to start working on those goals 🙂  Someday is Today!

Coach Jen

865 Fit Club – Insanity Core Cardio & Balance

29 Sep


If you follow me on Facebook – you know I run a FREE Fitclub each week to promote health and fitness to the community.  Also, if we’re not friends on Facebook – send me a request!

This morning’s workout was Insanity Core Cardio & Balance.  This is actually the recovery week workout that you do in between month 1 and month 2.  Its still a tough workout, but not nearly as intense and plyometric as the usual Insanity workouts.

The weekends were always the time that I am most likely to slack off on my regular workout routine, so I really LOVE that I can get together with friends and new attendees Saturday morning to workout!  It keeps me motivated and then I can spend my Saturday my workout is out of the way!!

I never got to finish the full program when I was doing it before I got pregnant.  I finished month one, and then went on vacation, and then found out I was preggers, and I never moved on to month 2.  I will definitely be adding this to my post-baby fitness calendar next year 🙂

If you’d like more information on the Insanity program – check it out here:

Super Duper…. Just Do It

28 Sep

Are You Ready for a Change?

Just do it.

Three simple words.

Regardless of how simple they may ‘sound’ – why is it so scary for us?

Want to workout? Just do it.

Want to eat healthy? Just do it.

Want to lose weight? Just do it.

Want to have a six pack? Just do it.

Want to live a better life? Just do it.

Want to get out of debt? Just do it.

Want to retire early and be home with your family? Just do it.

Want to live life on your terms? Just do it.

Not sure how? Just do it.

I surround myself with like minded individuals who share the same goals and values as I do.  Sometimes we brainstorm new ideas, other times we encourage each other to get back up when life gets hard and is not going as planned.   When I started my business, I knew NOTHING about the path ahead of me.  I had no previous experience or skills….but I just learned as I went along and JUST DID IT.  One of my mentors recently shared this short video by Art Williams with me. Please take 5 minutes and watch this:

I had never seen this video before and I was mesmerized. Holy cow. No matter what I…you…want in life, we just need to DO IT. How simple! We can’t let excuses stand in our way any longer, and we are all guilty of letting it happen.

If you watched the short clip and felt that tugging from deep within that it’s time for a change…a change in your body, your health, your finances, I want you to contact me!!

It’s time.

Just do it.
