Tag Archives: personal growth

New Coach Training Group!

7 Dec

New Coach Training Group!

I can honestly say that choosing to become a Beachbody Coach has CHANGED my life. Not only am I in the best shape (even during pregnancy) but my priorities and perspectives in life have completely changed… for the BETTER that is! My biggest dream would be to share it with YOU and help YOU get to a place in your life where you will be truly happy. What is happy? We all have different definitions and views but for me, it involves a long term commitment to my family and FREEDOM— freedom from the 9-5, freedom to come and go as I please, freedom to help others when they need it most, freedom to be significant in my family’s life, whenever they need it! Are YOU working towards your happiness? I know the unknown is “scary”, I was there… but what’s life without risks? You want something, you have to take charge and act on it. Trust me!