Tag Archives: fitness healthy living

Week 21

16 Nov

Officially sporting a full on bump now!

Wow – I am more than halfway thru this pregnancy already!! That’s CRAZY! Here is an update as of Week 21:

How far along? 21 Weeks

Total Weight Gain? As of my 20 week appointment I have gained TEN pounds!  Y*I*K*E*S  The doctor assured me that is right within normal range – but still – that seems like so much!

How big is baby? He is the size of a pomegranate

Gender: It’s a BOY!

Maternity Clothes? Very much so!  The pants for sure – still wearing a mix of tops… and I have no maternity workout clothes or anything.

Morning Sickness? None – hooray!

Mood Swings? I wouldn’t describe it as mood swings – more so, easily irritable.

Buy anything for baby this week? No… I don’t think we’ve bought anything yet to be honest!  Last I heard the hubby was mid-way thru an Ebay auction for the baby monitor we want – but not sure if we won 🙂

Stretch Marks? None that I’ve noticed – but do people start seeing them NOW – during pregnancy??? Or do they show up after the fact?  I have just about used up my Oh Baby! Mambino Belly Butter…. and while I liked the scent – I hated how “hard” it was in the jar.  You literally had to dig it out and then it would get all up under my fingernails – yuck.  SO, I have ordered the Cocoa Butter belly butter, beautifying oil and body scrub from The Body Shop…. hopefully I”ll like this better.

Sleep? I sleep pretty good and fall asleep easily…. my back is hurting a little bit though.  Maybe I need more pillows?!

Best Moment This Week: Well…. this actually happened last week – but I would obviously have to say SEEING our baby boy at our anatomy scan – we got to see 3D too!!!  All limbs are accounted for and he has a brain, a pumping heart and stomach! yay!

Worst Moment This Week:  Destination PROCRASTINATION.  I waited until a few days ago to START a paper for my HR Mngmt class that we should have been working on all semester long.  SO, worst moment(s) were putting that bad boy together in the late hours of Sunday PM to submit on Monday!

Movement: Nope – nada!

Cravings: Nothing to report!  The “carbonation” craving has gone away too….

Labor Signs: None thankfully

Belly Button In or Out? It’s in, but it’s definitely flattening out… I must have a shallow belly button or something?

What I miss? Alcohol, sushi… and the “ease” of having a normal lunchmeat sandwich without heating it up.

What I am looking forward to? Our 3D ultrasound in a couple of weeks and my most FAVORITE holiday next week – Thanksgiving!  Food & Family – what else do you need?

Milestones: Hubby and I agreeing on a nursery theme! 🙂